Monday, July 9, 2007

Connected at every point.

Spider's Little Feet
Round and round and round and round... the world spins its web. Tiny little voices all sing at once. Whispering winds embrace the onset of something new. The continuity of it all is magically simple. Time is a thief, robbing you of your personal motives.
Knowing is a character builder. It takes no time to know, and all the time to believe. Days turn to nights turn to months turn to... you. "Answer this riddle," it beckons. Old memories make way for new growth, if well watered, that is. You know, we are supposed to drink lots of water. Maybe because we ARE water. It flows through our veins, fuels our bloods, services our "systems". Identically it mirrors life, the ebb and flow, the yin and yang... cause and effect.
Dizzying, isn't it?
Inter Connect Ed Ness.
We are alive, moving flowing, making decisions. Take a moment to think, to know, your greater "calling" if you will. TESTIFY!!!! ( that makes me think of church in TN ) You have the ability to change the world. Remember, "you can do anything you want, if you put your mind to it". Mom and dad said that. Best advice I ever got. Truer than we would like to believe. Pitter pat, pitter pat. Footsteps, little ones, creating with purpose, not believing this to be the way, but knowing. Feel what it's like to make a difference. Say something. Do anything. Know it. Feel it. Tomorrow is not guaranteed.
Pitter pat, pitter pat, round and round.

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