Thursday, September 20, 2007

Seasons are like life, constantly in-flux and never for sure.

To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under the sun.
A time to be born and a time to die;
a time to plant and a time to pluck up that which is planted;
a time to kill and a time to heal
...a time to weep and a time to laugh;
a time to mourn and a time to dance
...a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing;
a time to lose and a time to seek;
a time to rend and a time to sew;
a time to keep silent and a time to speak;
a time to love and a time to hate;
a time for war and a time for peace.

ecclesiastes 3:1-8

Friday, August 17, 2007

Un No N ?

never take any of it for granted
life is an

silence breeds conflict
thoughts collide
never really untangled


take the time
unconnect the dots

we are being fooled

while irony
paints its picture of
dont forget life is hard.
everyone's out to screw you.

ill have you know
it aint about you.

those that dont know
between stimulous and response
there is a space, a gap
Deepak calls it
the field of infinite possibilities

a place to choose any


I am!

i am not part of this gig
nor do i want to play in your world
by your rules

i am content
i hear the rhythm of the

its not the music
i love
but the space between
the notes.

the unknowns.

people yield experiences
experiences yield wisdom
wisdom yields openness

openness is the gap
the gap is the unknown

there is more to be learned
in the discomfort of
than in habitual hell
of stagnantion

change is as spare as
the time you give it.

get to the gap

there is only one mystery
and it sleeps in your
own mind,
arise and awake.

knowing is to not know.
giving is to receive.
each moment is an opportunity
to delve even deeper into
the Un No N.

or not

Friday, August 10, 2007

Down Shifting

In the streets and in society I am almost invariably cheap and dissipated, my life is unspeakably mean. No amount of gold or respectability would in the least redeem it, -- dining with the Governor or a member of Congress!! But alone in the distant woods or fields, in unpretending sprout-lands or pastures tracked by rabbits, even in a bleak and, to most, cheerless day, like this, when a villager would be thinking of his inn, I come to myself, I once more feel myself grandly related, and that cold and solitude are friends of mine. I suppose that this value, in my case, is equivalent to what others get by church going and prayer. I come home to my solitary woodland walk as the homesick go home. I thus dispose of the superfluous and see things as they are, grand and beautiful. I have told many that I walk every day about half the day light, but I think they do not believe it. I wish to get the Concord, the Massachusetts, the America, out of my head and be sane a part of every day. from the Journal (January 7, 1857) ~Thoreau

Thursday, August 2, 2007

A Black Hole

Have you ever had a moment when everything you thought you knew was turned upside down?
I'm not really talking about tragic moments, because we've all had those. I'm referring to life expanding moments of bliss. Change agents, so-to-speak.
There are holes in this universe that we have yet to comprehend and for that matter, acknowledge. I mean, we can't even comprehend what an actual "black hole" really is. Anything, everything that moves within its gravitational field is a gonner... but where does it go? Light goes, stars go, planets go...what about thoughts? Emotions? These are all measurable impulses. What about things like levitation, ghosts, non-verbal communication over thousands of miles, spiritual healings... there's lots of stuff we can't explain actually. We only use 8% of our brains, so it seems as if we don't know over 92% of true reality. Interesting. Thats a BIG black hole of knowledge and understanding.
Some of these holes are possibly portals to other dimensions, mental or physical. Is there a time or event(s) in each of our lives where we too pass the event horizon, where no matter what, there is no turning back? Events tht reinforce a knowing you didn't have before.
There is more out there than we "see". Sometimes our own eyes, ears, minds get in the way of our souls and spirits. We talk ourselves in and out of every situation, rationalizing decissions for mere contentment, which often leads only reproduction of the same. Like creates like. Hate begets hate. Our portals to the unknown are right in front of us, waiting like the Lord waits on us... not forcing the connection, only waiting on us, to seize the opportunity for a conntection. They are there, I assure you.
As we have learned the simple, less confusing, conformist behavior of our previous lives, previous moments, we too can unlearn. We, conciously, must take control of every moment. These black holes of understanding are all around ready to suck us in, if we get close enough. When we don't know what the other side has in store, we go back to the way it was. Yin and Yang, dark and light. There are ALWAYS an infinate number of ways to view every situation so charge on...find a new, unique, beautiful way.
There is no real way. Just live purely. Take advantage of every black hole. You never know where it could take you, only if you unlearned your fears first. Because often we experience things many times over, but it takes something unexplainable, to give us the insight to really see or hear what is going down.
The ways are many. As are the viewpoints. As are the judgers and the livers. There is no way but your way. You create the rules. Take a plunge into the unknown. Dive head first into the black hole. You might see life differently. You might get sucked into the experience. The rabbit hole could and probably will be different than anything you have ever expereinced, ever felt. Could that be so wrong? Regardless what others think, feel what it is to live, by living outloud. Make an impact in everything you do. Seek to understand, then be understood. Talk less and listen more. Life is as big as you make it or allow yourself to feel it. It's all in YOUR mind anyway. Nobody knows what you know, nobody feels what you feel. Life is yours to do with as you please. So get to it.
The black hole gets deeper every day.

And it's dark and exciting down here.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Connected at every point.

Spider's Little Feet
Round and round and round and round... the world spins its web. Tiny little voices all sing at once. Whispering winds embrace the onset of something new. The continuity of it all is magically simple. Time is a thief, robbing you of your personal motives.
Knowing is a character builder. It takes no time to know, and all the time to believe. Days turn to nights turn to months turn to... you. "Answer this riddle," it beckons. Old memories make way for new growth, if well watered, that is. You know, we are supposed to drink lots of water. Maybe because we ARE water. It flows through our veins, fuels our bloods, services our "systems". Identically it mirrors life, the ebb and flow, the yin and yang... cause and effect.
Dizzying, isn't it?
Inter Connect Ed Ness.
We are alive, moving flowing, making decisions. Take a moment to think, to know, your greater "calling" if you will. TESTIFY!!!! ( that makes me think of church in TN ) You have the ability to change the world. Remember, "you can do anything you want, if you put your mind to it". Mom and dad said that. Best advice I ever got. Truer than we would like to believe. Pitter pat, pitter pat. Footsteps, little ones, creating with purpose, not believing this to be the way, but knowing. Feel what it's like to make a difference. Say something. Do anything. Know it. Feel it. Tomorrow is not guaranteed.
Pitter pat, pitter pat, round and round.

Monday, June 25, 2007

The Unquestionable Supremecy of Nature!

If you took a moment, just to breathe, you could feel the flames.
Yesterday, 7 of my friends lost their homes, cars, things needed and unneeded, in an instant. As we "set sail" out of Tahoe Keys Marina, we could sense and unnerving aura, aroma. A small bundle of clouds rose above the deep green tree line, forcing the blue sky to take notice. Nature was in control. Out of pure, child-like intrigue, I expressed, "Kevin and Amy, your first Tahoe fire."
I was kidding.
Two of my best friends just moved from Tennessee to Tahoe as they begin a fresh go at life, by choice, as 7 of others have nowhere to go.
Nature wins...always. There is a small bit of sobering satisfaction that we are NOT in control. As we speed through life, making mindless decision after mindless decision, we rarely stop to breathe.
Yesterday, I took that breathe. As I watched the clouds quickly turn to smoke and then to a hypothetical "war-zone" as plane after plane fought for airspace to dump their proverbial "load", my friend Steve-O whispered, "That's close to my house. Crazy."
Unfortunately, he was right.
As I type, over 250 homes have been destroyed in the South Lake Tahoe/Meyers area. Gone. Forever. Do we take time, ever to just be thankful? Can we not worry long enough to enjoy what we have and who we are? Is there ever enough time in the day? Are our loved one ever close enough?
Life is precious. We are not in control. Take a moment today to be grateful for all life has offered you...even the stuff you deem difficult, evil or ugly. This too is life. As we collect little things for our nests, be reminded of the Unquestionable Supremecy of Nature. It's utterly magnificent and disgustingly beautiful.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

...and the angles whisper....

The process is flowing, whether we accept it or not.
It seems the daily grind can only grow more intense, ever-pressing, "harder" if we allow it. Triumphant people choose. They listen to the intention that grows outside of the grind. All things external, outside of ourselves, seem to occupy our intentions with fears, false hopes and expectations left unfulfilled... the grind.
Regardless of circumstances, we can triumph. In every moment we feel the opportunity to do what's right. Not necessarliy the "lawful" thing to do but rather the moral or ethical decisions.
We get nudged. We get the whisper.
Often this whisper is too quiet to even acknowledge, so we ignore it. We allow the grind to dig in, abrasiveness, stagnation, eventual death. Regardless of the "externals" we are still at our core moving...flowing, changing. Whether we choose to live by laws or ethics is our choice. Whether we choose to live at all is our choice as well.
Listen. Quietly. Your insides know what you need. Pay no mind to those "things" in life. They also are changing. One must just wait...and listen.

Monday, June 18, 2007


So, there is now an official place to scribe, doodle, play and type so others can read it? Sounds a little voyeristic. Maybe. I guess it's the way of the future, centralized data so-to-speak. Life has a way of changing you from the inside out, as it changes around you. Blogs... or Web Logs, are a very real way of fluidity taking form. Is this a postive thing? Do people even care what I think, what others think? Maybe friends and family...maybe. Typing in this "public" place is almost like allowing an onlooker in the airport to view your laptop screen when you know darn well it ain't their business. Why not look? I have nothing to hide...actually I have alot to share. Is it relevant to anything? Not really. But here I am. "Socially Networking" my way through the blog-o-sphere. Weird. Not too sure how I feel about this. But, I'm gonna give it a shot.