Monday, June 25, 2007

The Unquestionable Supremecy of Nature!

If you took a moment, just to breathe, you could feel the flames.
Yesterday, 7 of my friends lost their homes, cars, things needed and unneeded, in an instant. As we "set sail" out of Tahoe Keys Marina, we could sense and unnerving aura, aroma. A small bundle of clouds rose above the deep green tree line, forcing the blue sky to take notice. Nature was in control. Out of pure, child-like intrigue, I expressed, "Kevin and Amy, your first Tahoe fire."
I was kidding.
Two of my best friends just moved from Tennessee to Tahoe as they begin a fresh go at life, by choice, as 7 of others have nowhere to go.
Nature wins...always. There is a small bit of sobering satisfaction that we are NOT in control. As we speed through life, making mindless decision after mindless decision, we rarely stop to breathe.
Yesterday, I took that breathe. As I watched the clouds quickly turn to smoke and then to a hypothetical "war-zone" as plane after plane fought for airspace to dump their proverbial "load", my friend Steve-O whispered, "That's close to my house. Crazy."
Unfortunately, he was right.
As I type, over 250 homes have been destroyed in the South Lake Tahoe/Meyers area. Gone. Forever. Do we take time, ever to just be thankful? Can we not worry long enough to enjoy what we have and who we are? Is there ever enough time in the day? Are our loved one ever close enough?
Life is precious. We are not in control. Take a moment today to be grateful for all life has offered you...even the stuff you deem difficult, evil or ugly. This too is life. As we collect little things for our nests, be reminded of the Unquestionable Supremecy of Nature. It's utterly magnificent and disgustingly beautiful.

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